Friday, July 27, 2012

So, what are we doing tomorrow?

 The baguette -- obligatory French accessory

The Seine                                                                                                       Sacre Coeur

Jardin Atlantique
On the Archevecchio between 
Ile St. Louis and the Latin Quarter


Luxemberg Palace and gardens                                                                 Flower market at Madeleine

A work of art at the Orsay Museum: Leigh, bateau mouche on the Seine, Louvre, Ferris wheel.

Ooo - ooo - cous cous!

in love with the Eiffel in love with the

Beth and Leigh are here.

At the Eiffel Tower.

Oh, yeah.

I just like the way the line reaches all the way to the Society D'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel.

Allons enfants de la Partie

Nothing says French patriotism better than American dance tunes from the 80s.

Experience much improved by "It's Raining Men".

Samedi My Prince Will Come

Tim is back!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Away, but no manger

The cemetery at Montparnasse: paved lots with grass on the burial plots,

or whatever.

And speaking of whatever...'s a restaurant with a singer and a lot of atmosphere,  
but no food.

Cultures Keep Best When Chilled

At the Louvre for the second time: antiquities of the Near East.
Pictured: Gumby and the Temple of Doom.

The poisson-chevre. Pretty sure I saw this on a menu.

We look for art.                          We look at art.   

Enough with the art!

Dave in green, Kit in red. The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in Paris.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Don't forget to bring an adapter!

Round, round

Montmartre is north of Paris. I can see a windmill at the end of this street!
Maybe it's Holland!

Vaux le Vicomte. The owner ekes out a living by renting out the foyer to photographers. Here they're shooting a commercial for giant paper flowers and floating handbags.

What kind of nobility has a squirrel for an emblem? My kind, that's who.

Cool moves, I has them.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Get Around

Yup -- no one's stealing this bridge.

So, not every monument is phallic.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I get around

Advantages of the Metro: it goes everywhere, all the time, doesn't cost that much, and has these fabulous entrances.   

Disadvantages of the Metro: the ticket is too small to hide behind. 

That's Denis with a D

Notre Dame from behind: I like big buttresses.

The legend of St. Denis: he was martyred by decapitation.

He picked up his head and walked away to rinse it off. Or is he going for the free throw?
They serve pancakes with hard cider, in bowls no less;
so much for my dream of staying awake through lunch.                  So what's your excuse?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We lovre the Louvre

The Eiffel Tower, the Thinker, and the Heckmans all in one picture. Kit kept saying that if Rodin had a museum, why not Godzilla and Mothra? I thought he was joking right up until we got there. 

The tomb of the unknown flasher.

Finally, the Louvre---open late on Fridays and free for those under 26.

Seriously, the light switch is this big.

The tour boats, Pont Neuf, Notre Dame on Ile de la Cite: sublime.

The Pie Port: ridiculous.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Home, home is deranged

Instead of a clothes dryer, we have a heated centrifuge. 
Put wet clothes in and take them out again later, just as wet but boiling hot. 
You might as well microwave your laundry. 

European luxury! The uniquely European concept of half a shower door.
It preserves neither your water nor your privacy. 

It is apparently designed to keep the sink dry. Everything else gets soaking wet.  
Note the total absence of towel racks. Maybe we're supposed to spin around until dry.

The freezer, photographed from below, where I'm standing.
You can't reach your food, or even see it, but you can number it.
Some things they do get right. All apartments come with a panini-maker and a champagne bucket.